Proven Results

2012: Lower Mississippian Chappell Reef re-entry, Eberhart Ranch Field, 190 Bblso/d & 200 Mcfg/d, total to date 175,000 Bblso & 2.1 Bcfg.

2005: Mississippian Barnett Shale horizontal well, District 7B, Brown Co.

2004: 144 BOPD & 130MCFG/D Pennsylanian Caddo Lime, Eastland Co., Eberhart Ranch Field.

2002: .5MMCFG/D & 20Bbls/d Lower Mississippian Chappell Pinnacle Reef, Eastland Co., Bill Edwards Field, 40,000 Bblso & 1 Bcfg, 10 yrs.

1999: 12 MMCFG/D Upper Wilcox: AOF 20.7 MMCFG/D, Zapata Co., En Seguido Field, 60 Bcf to date.

1998: 8 MMCFG/D and 200 Bbls/d Condensate, Middle Wilcox: AOF 30MMCFG/D, Karnes Co., Birdie Deep , 8.50 Bcf to date.

1997: 4 MMCFG/G and 100 Bbls/d Condensate, Middle Wilcox, Karnes Co. North Birdie, 4.5 Bcf to date.

1996: 3 MMCFG/D and 60 Bbls/d Condensate, Middle Frio, Aransas Co.

1981: 1 MMCFG/D and 20 Bbls/d Condensate, Upper Wilcox Birdie Field, 5 Bcf to date.

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